He’s out there, and he is coming for din-din…
Mashed Potato Face
Our wacky 70s Italian cinema homage short MASHED POTATO FACE is out on the festival circuit and doing juuuust fine.
It picked up the ABBY NORMAL award for most innovative (weird) short film at the Portland Horror Film Festival, and then followed that up with an appearance at our very own hometown Houston Horror Film Fest, where it earned the award for best special effects! Very proud of that one as we tried to go all out on campy effects with this one.
If you see this before Saturday we have another online festival opportunity for you on the 26th of September at the Mr. Holehead’s Warped Dimension fest. Tickets are $10 dollars for a day of horror films and our screening block will be at 1pm CT!
It’s been a strange year, and we have certainly missed producing weird stuff with covid-19 making production very difficult, but we hope to get back to it very soon. Fingers crossed.