Latest update on our second feature film…mostly that we have changed the name from “Dickhead” to “Someone Dies!”
First look at the Dickhead in ACTION!
Dicknose as well.
Feast your eyes on the new teaser trailer for our second feature film, DICKHEAD, now half-way through post production…sort of!
Announcing our second feature film: Dickhead.
The second feature film written and directed by Justin Petty. In production now.
Hey, remember us? Those guys that made Nothing Really Happens right before the world went to hell? We have done a few other things since that film. Oh wait…we have only made a short called Mashed Potato Face. But it’s pretty good and we have lives and stuff. But hey, we are going to try it again because we are not smart people. Justin wrote another movie and Joey liked it enough, so here we go.
We will have another long thing. Unless we all die!
Be sure to follow them social accounts for day to day updates. We are gonna shoot this almost like a grown-up movie this time. So it should be rigorous and insane.
Thoughts and prayers for us.
And we hope you are doing well in the shitty times. Stay safe. Don’t make a movie like us.